Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thanks from Henri, me and baby

Thank you!

Martha and Henri - thank you for sharing this time with us! We cannot wait to see little baby H&M and read it stories over the web! We love you.

Thanks to everyone for participating and helping me figure out the virtual shower!

Lydia is a movie buff

And wins a snazzy chicken apron I could not resist!

Last game - Hey Baby, name that movie

Alright - the last game is to list as many movies with "baby" in the title. No using the web!!!!! If you are playing with two people, your total will be divided by two.

From the start of this post time - when you read it, you have 3 minutes (scouts honor!).

Post your answers in comments. There is another prize!

After this game, we'll wrap up!

TP present

And the final answer is...


I believe that is Linds!

I need to sign off now...

I'm off to ANOTHER baby shower. I need to get in my car for this one and drive. It's so old-school after this experience! Thank you Erin for doing this!
Love you Mart and Henri! Congratulations. Elsie & Sergio (who is awake now. I took that pic at the beginning of the shower.)

Toilet Paper Game

For this game Martha will need to get a roll of toilet paper. She is to measure how many square go around her belly. Please post your guesses in the comments. Mart - don't post your answer until people have posted their guesses.

There is another prize!
Well, looks like our package didn't arrive in time.  :(  So, I'll tell you what's in it:

"Duck in the Truck"
"Two Little Trains"
"Dr. Seuss's ABCs"
"Chicka Chicka Boom Boom"

Cieran adored "Duck in the Truck" - John and I know it by heart.  "Two Little Trains" is a newer fav: he loves the trains, I love the illustrations.  The Dr. Seuss makes us all laugh when we read it.  And, "Chicka Chicka" was a great one when Cieran was learning is alphabet - it's not your usual alphabet book!  Enjoy them!  :)

And last but not least, from Erin:

Thanks! We really will have to clear some space in the nook for books :)

ALOHA~ We miss you Martha!

We made it in our PJs. :) It's a pajama baby shower party on Maui!

Walter thinks the baby is a bean. I think it's a Boy.

Time for some coffee!

From Walter and Terry

Ha ha! This one looks funky:

Here is the first page:

From Elena

Thanks Elena!

From Leslie

Okay i am noticing a theme here :)

Henri says: Books are good!

thanks Leslie! I love the card too.

From Crazy Uncle Jake

See its backwards but it says: Crazy Uncle Jake

As apposed to regular Jake who already gave a present :) you sound like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Its about pigeons of course ;]

From Elsie and Sergio

Sorry not a very good image:

Where the Wild things Are


Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs

Books of Elsie and Sergio's childhood. Plus a chew toy and a cool card with a robot.

Thanks you guys :)

Speaking of Egan

He says hello!!!!!

From Egan

:) Egan is a busy bee, does he already have his own credit card?

From Jake!

We are going to have to go back to Ikea and get another bookshelf!

From Heather and Andy

Baby is going to be so literate!

Thanks you guys, thats so sweet, we will think of you and Gregory when we read them to baby :)

Should I open another?

Present: Grandma Evonuk

Heres a virtual present:

This is the book my mother is bringing to Germany in May when she comes to visit us (hopefully after the baby is born):

It looks familiar to me but I can't remember the story. Apparently she used to read it to us when we were kids.

thanks mom :)

Mystery present

This arrived today but I don't know who it is from. I only opened it because the package looked very official and I had recently ordered transcripts from the states. Can you believe it, in order to register baby with the consulate I need transcripts to prove I was living in the states before baby was born. At least All the germans require are copies of my degrees, thats easier than getting transcripts :P

Anyways the mystery present is a book "Bark, George":

It's really cute, anyone want to claim credit?

Open some presents?

Martha - are you ready to open some presents?

What do you have to open first?

Bingo First winner = MARTHA!

And your prize is

The movie Daddy Daycare - share with Henri!
I was just puked on. Greenlee's way of saying hello!!



Let's play bingo!





(in honor of where Mart & Henri met!)









look familiar mart?

in honor of Hawaii



another on in honor of martha

the babe's birth place


Aha! Thanks for the hint, Mart. Got it :)