Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mystery present

This arrived today but I don't know who it is from. I only opened it because the package looked very official and I had recently ordered transcripts from the states. Can you believe it, in order to register baby with the consulate I need transcripts to prove I was living in the states before baby was born. At least All the germans require are copies of my degrees, thats easier than getting transcripts :P

Anyways the mystery present is a book "Bark, George":

It's really cute, anyone want to claim credit?


  1. Ha! I was just wondering if you received my present yet or not - pretty sure that's from me! It's one of my very favorite kid's books - the illustrations (especially of the mother dog) are priceless...

  2. I've never seen that book before - now I'm going to look for it!

  3. That's really cute! Reminds me of the "Spot the Dog" books.
