Saturday, April 11, 2009

Am I on the right time?

Are we starting in 20 minutes? I know it seems like a dumb question but I don't want to do the time difference wrong and be an hour off :D

Look at my big belly:


  1. Thanks :) Erin gave it to me from when she was pregnant.

  2. Another month to go?! Looking great, Mart! Happy to see you so fit.

  3. Ah you guys are too nice :D

    I feel huge though, I told baby, "you can come out any time now" but all baby does is kick harder.

  4. I'll have to email you a pic of my friend Kendra who just had her baby a couple of weeks ago in France - 9lbs and 21in long and she WAS big at the end! :D

  5. Hi Martha - do you know if you have a boy or a girl in there?

    You look great! I feel huge too - 3 weeks to go!

  6. We know but its a surprise (why do you know?)
