Saturday, April 11, 2009

Welcome to the world Baby H&M!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the online baby shower for Martha and Henri and the newest world traveler in their family!

Since we have people from all over the world and from all over Martha's life - let's start by introducing ourselves. Let us know who you are, how you know martha & henri, and where you are. If you've got a picture, that's great!


  1. Hi All - I'm Lydia, Martha's cousin. I live in Portland, Oregon and am expecting my own little one in about 3 weeks or so. So happy to see Martha nice and round too!

  2. I'm Linds. A friend of Martha's from grad school at UCSC. I'm in Maryland, just outside DC.

  3. Hi! I'm Martha's mom and live in Kula, on Maui, in Hawaii. Martha is about to birth our second grandchild and we hope to see all three of them very soon. Hello, Henri!

  4. oh crap. sorry. I posted a post instead of comment.

  5. I think a post is fine, its harder to keep track of new comments than new posts I think :)

  6. I'm Leslie - I met Martha on the Big Island during volcano field camp way back when. I'm currently in San Diego.
